
出版時間:2000-1  出版社:青島海洋大學(xué)出版社  作者:李基安  頁數(shù):515  


  The Structure of the English Sentence,Introduction,Morphemes, Roots,Affixes,Words,Word classes,Word classes in relation to meaning,Word-formation,Phrases,The noun phrase,The verb phrase andThe adjective phrase.


Chapter 1 The Structure of the English Sentence1.0 Introduction1.1 Morphemes1.1.1 Roots1.1.2 Affixes1.2 Words1.2.1 Word classes1.2.2 Word classes in relation to meaning1.2.3 Word-formation1.3 Phrases1.3.1 The noun phrase1.3.2 The verb phrase1.3.3 The adjective phrase1.3.4 The adverb phrase1.3.5 The prepositional phrase1.4 Clauses1.4.1 Subject and predicate1.4.2 Clause patterns1.4.3 Functions1.5 Sentences1.5.1 Simple, compound and complex sentences1.5.2 Statements, questions, commands and exclamations1.6 Text1.7 ExercisesChapter 2 Sentence Types2.0 Introduction2.1 Statements2.1.1 Assertion vs. non-assertion2.1.2 Negation2.1.3 Other functions of statements2.2 Questions2.2.1 YES-NO questions2.2.2 WH-questions2.2.3 Alternative questions2.2.4 Tag questions2.3 Commands2.4 Exclamations2.4.1 WHAT-exclamations2.4.2 HOW-exclamations2.5 ExercisesChapter 3 Noun and Noun Phrase (1):Noun and Number3.0 Introduction3.1 Noun classes3.2 Number3.2.1 Singular invariables3.2.2 Plural invariables3.2.3 Irregular plurals3.3 Unit nouns3.4 ExercisesChapter 4 Noun and Noun Phrase (2)Determiner and Genitive4.0 Introduction4.1 Determiners4.1.1 Functions of determiners4.1.2 Co-occurrence of determiners 4.1.3 Usage of some determiners4.1.4 Articles4.2 Genitives4.2.1 Forms of genitive4.2.2 The genitive vs. theof-phrase4.2.3 Group genitive4.2.4 Local genitive4.2.5 Double genitive4.3 ExercisesChapter 5 Verb and Verb Phrase (1) Tense,Aspect and Future5.0 Introduction5.0.1 Classification of verbs5.0.2 System of two tenses and two aspects5.1 Tense5.1.1 Simple present5.1.2 Simple past5.2 Aspect5.2.1 Present progressive5.2.2 Past progressive5.2.3 Present perfect and present perfect progressive5.2.4 Past perfect and past perfect progressive5.3 Future5.3.1 Will shall infinitive5.3.2 Be going to infinitive5.3.3 Present progressive5.3.4 Simple present5.3.5 Other constructions expressing future time5.4 ExercisesChapter 6 Verb and Verb Phrase (2)Passive Voice and Subjunctive Mood6.0 Introduction6.1 Passive voice6.1.1 Be-passive, get-passive and pseudo-passive6.1.2 Voice constraints6.1.3 By-phrase6.1.4 Passive voice of mult-word verbs6.1.5 Passive voice of non-finite verbs6.2 Subjunctive mood6.2.1 Be-subjunctive6.2.2 Were-subjunctive6.3 ExercisesChapter 7 Verb and Verb Phrase (3) Modal Auxiliaries7.0 Introduction7.1 Can and may7.1.1 Can and could 7.1.2 May and might 7.1.3 Can vs. may……Chapter 8 Verb an Verb Phrase(4):Non-finite VderbsChapter 9 Adjective Phrase and ComparisonChapter 10 Preposlition and Prepositional PhraseChapter 11 The coordination and SubordinationChapter 12 Relative ClauseChapter 13 AdverbialsChapter 14 ConcordChapter 15 Information Structure and EmphasisChapter 16 Cohesion


  I don't think you're honest yourself.Let's get rid of the garbage ourselves.The reason for interrupting the noun phrase with postmodi- fication is twofold, on the one hand, we manage to achieve the sentence balance by moving a weighty item to the final position —— end-weight~ on the other, we manage to achieve prominence for that postponed item by moving it into the usual scope of focus —— end-focus.Although discontinuity mainly occurs with the noun phrase which contains postmodification, there are a few minor types of discontinuity which are by no means uncommon. One of them is closely related to extraposition and passive voice:He is believed to have made up his mind to buy the house.The president is reported to have been missing for threedays.Another type of discontinuity is found with comparative constructions:Joe spent far less time on the work than expected People in small towns are more friendly to strangers than those in big cities And a third type often occurs with constructions associated with the meaning of comparison, too, to, enough, to, so as to that and such as to that..She was too shocked at the sight of murder to explain to thepoliceDo you think you have enough money in your pocket to payfor your dinner ?   ……




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