出版時間:2006-9 出版社:上海外語教育 作者:富爾布魯克 頁數(shù):277
“劍橋國別簡史叢書”(Cambridge Concise Histories)是劍橋大學出版社自20世紀八九十年代始陸續(xù)推出的一套插圖版國家簡史叢書。叢書作者均為英國、美國、澳大利亞等國的歷史學教授或知名專家。他們用通俗易懂的語言向讀者介紹了所述國家的政治、經(jīng)濟,文化和社會歷史變遷。圖書權(quán)威、通俗,可讀性強。叢書出版后獲得了巨大成功,有的品種重印多達10余次。我社從中精選10本奉獻給讀者?! 兜聡喪贰窞閰矔械囊槐?。本書介紹了德國自中世紀初期至今的曲折歷史。德國歷史的多面性和復雜性曾引發(fā)廣泛爭論和不同詮釋。瑪麗•富爾布魯克分析了大量的歷史材料,并從學術(shù)爭鳴的角度探討社會、政治和文化因素的相互關系?! ”緯醢嬗?990年,1992年進行了更新修訂,2004年推出第二版。它是用英語撰寫的有關德國歷史的唯一單卷本圖書,內(nèi)容豐富。涵蓋面廣。本書既是從事德國,歐洲國情及歷史學研究的學生必讀圖書,也是普通讀者、商界人士或赴德游客的津梁。
瑪麗•富爾布魯克:倫敦大學學院教授,研究德國歷史。曾游學劍橋大學和哈佛大學。已出版多部著作,有PietyandPolitics:Religion and the Rise ofAbsolutism in England,Wiirttemberg and Prussia。A Histoly ofGermany 1918—2000:The DividedNation,Anatomy ofaDictatorship:Inside me GDR 1949一i989,German National Identityafter the Holocaust,Historical Theory等。
List of illustrationsPreface1 INTRODUCTION:THE GERMAN LAND S AND PEOPLE2 MEDIAEVAL GERMANY The beginnings of German history Germany in the early and high middle ages Germany in the later middle ages3 THE AGE OF CONFES SIONALI SM,1500-1648 The German Reformation:the early years The German Peasants’War The development of the German Reformation Germany in the age of Counter-Reformation TheThirtyYearsWar The Peace of Westphalia and the effects of the War4 THE AGE OF AB SOLUTI SM.1648-1815 Absolutism and the rise of Prussia Religion,culture and Enlightenment The impact of the French Revolution5 THE AGE OF INDU STRIALI SATl0N,1815-19l8 Restoration Germany,1815-48 The revolutions of 1848 The unification of Germany Germany under Bismarck Society and politics in Wilhelmine Germany Culture in Imperial Germany Foreign policy and the First World War6 DEMOCRACY AND DICTATORSHIP,1918-45 The Weimar Republic:origins and early years The period of apparent stabilisation The collapse of Weimar democracy The consolidation of Hitler’s power Foreign policy and war Holocaust,resistance and defeat7 THE TWO GERMANIES,1945-90 The creation of the two Germanies From establishment to conso“dation Politics in the two Germanies,1949-89 Economy and society in West Germany Economy and society in the GDR,1949-89 The revolution of 1989 and the unification of Germany8 THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY SINCE 19909 PATTERN S AND PROBLEM S OF GERMAN HI STORYSuggestions for further readingIndex