
出版時間:2006-12  出版社:人民公安  作者:王政  頁數(shù):201  




  王政,出生福建南安,祖籍湖北武漢,犯罪學(xué) 博士,現(xiàn)任美國長灘加利福尼亞州州立大學(xué)刑事司法系終身教授,并受聘于中國人民公安大學(xué)和中國刑事警察學(xué)院任客座教授。 1982年畢業(yè)于遼寧師范大學(xué)英語系,畢業(yè)后分配到中國刑事警察學(xué)院任教,先后在該院基礎(chǔ)部英語教研室、刑事偵查系、刑事技術(shù)系執(zhí)教凡八年。在此期間,在職學(xué)習(xí)獲取沈陽師范大學(xué)英語助教進修班學(xué)歷和遼寧大學(xué)英語碩士學(xué)位。同時,與同事合作編纂中國首部《英漢刑事偵查和刑事技術(shù)常用詞匯》和《中國警察辭典》。主要合譯著還有《兇殺案偵查指南》、《犯罪現(xiàn)場勘查技術(shù)手冊》和《比較犯罪學(xué)》等書。 20世紀(jì)80年代末,作者赴美國北密執(zhí)安大學(xué)刑事司法系任客座教授,并獲該校公共管理碩士學(xué)位。1 991年考入賓州印第安那大學(xué)犯罪學(xué)系,1 994 年獲博士學(xué)位。后在德克薩斯州南方大學(xué)和休士頓警察局學(xué)院任教。王政博士曾兼任休士頓市長亞裔顧問委員會共同主席、國際亞裔偵查員協(xié)會教育訓(xùn)練理事、長灘市警察局亞裔顧問委員會主席。作者曾獲國際亞裔偵查員協(xié)會的嘉獎并四次獲得美國全國幫派犯罪研究中心對其研究課題給予的獎勵。他曾對十余起亞裔疑難案件的偵破提供專業(yè)技術(shù)指導(dǎo),并榮獲國際鑒定協(xié)會終身鑒定員資格。目前研究課題為跨國犯罪,高科技犯罪及法庭科學(xué)鑒定。在國際期刊上發(fā)表過二十余篇專業(yè)文章,并著有《法庭科學(xué)概述》一書。


Trend Study(趨勢研究) 犯罪新動向及對美國之影響 亞裔幫派犯罪:二十一世紀(jì)之挑戰(zhàn)Contextual Study(俞靜研究) 從宗教組織到有組織犯罪組織:中國三合會的發(fā)展演變分析Survey Study: Quantitative Analysis(問卷調(diào)查研究:量化分析) 美國亞裔高中生的幫派交往:對社會發(fā)展理論模式的軌跡分析 美國亞裔高中生幫派交往的異同:多項回歸線分析Interview Study: Qualitative Analysis(個人采訪研究:質(zhì)化分析) 中國非法移民進入美國:推拉視角Theory Testing Study(理論檢測研究) 亞裔幫派銀行搶劫犯罪:對日?;顒永碚撝u估Theory & Policy Construction Study(理論與政策建構(gòu)研究) 對中國非法移民進入美國的因素分析:理論與政策建構(gòu)初探Modus Operandi Analysis Study(犯罪手段分析研究) 亞裔幫派銀行搶劫犯罪手段分析:對執(zhí)法機構(gòu)的啟示Content Analysis (內(nèi)涵分析研究) 中國非法移民的跨洋偷渡:方法、原因及政策推薦Case Study(個案分析研究) 對寮/(孟力)幫派的初步畫像:來自加利福尼亞的透視Field Study(田野調(diào)查研究) 非法中國移民:問題與新手段 亞裔幫派特別報告:1996年17個州調(diào)查報告的基本分析Appendix (附則) 犯罪學(xué)與刑事司法學(xué)術(shù)刊名匯總


  By-Product of the Opening-up Policy  As economic reform has developed in China, more trade, tourism, domestic migration, and overseas travel have taken place, especially along the coastal regions. To promote these new economic initiatives, the central government has urged the formulation and implementation of more favorable social policies. The new social policies unavoidably undermine the regulatory and integrative functions of certain social institutions. As these institutions have become less functional, people have found that new opportunities exist because of looser social controls.  Local police departments no longer have the type of tight control over population movement that they once had. No one has to report if a farmer or fisherman has disappeared from his village or a worker has resigned from his factory job. By 1996, the some of household registry in the coastal region almost ceased to exist. Border controls have been loosened to a great extent due to more liberal policies toward Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan areas. Individual trips both in and out of China have become easier.  Private boats, once a rare possession, are now owned by many farmers or fishermen, presenting a greater chance of mobility between off - coast islands which have are used as transit points for smuggling. Many young farmers and fishermen, who had a modest lifestyle before China opened up its doors to western investors, have been laid off. The migration of rural individuals have flooded into the cities in search of opportunities to increase their economic and social well being. Unfortunately, employment opportunities do not exist for many of those who lack skills and education. Therefore, jobs in sweatshops and restaurants in the U. S. have become the next hope for opportunities. Harsh competition in the job market has served as two important "push" factors.  Phenomenon of Immigration Snowball  There is also a social phenomenon closely related to the current issue of illegal immigration. It is referred to as the "immigration snowball" phenomenon-one illegal immigrant successfully enters the U. S. and becomes a "seed" , helping other family members or relatives to join him or her. Being of assistance to the family is very important in the culture of the Fujian region. Unfortunately, the quickest method for coming to the "land of opportunity" is through illegal immigration. Thus, it is this "immigration snowball" that promotes international migration (legal or illegal) and remains a social phenomenon in the region.  Economic factors push out a few low-income rural Chinese farmers and fishermen who want to earn money for their families by taking the risks involved in coming to the U. S.  ……


  "Professor Wang and I have been working together on a dozen of research projects and conferences for past sixteen years. I always admire him for his dedication and commitment to the study of Asian organized crime and gangs. He is considered one of best scholars in this area in the United States.  ——Dr. George Knox. Director of National Gang Crime Research Center "    I have known Dr. Wang for many years. Dr Wang's work and studies are considered a major contribution to the combat against Asian gangs and organized crime."  ——Benjamin Leong. President of International Organization of Asian Crime Investigators and Specialists (IOAC,IS)




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