
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:東華大學出版社  作者:高翔 編  頁數(shù):331  


  近年來,我國對外開放的力度日益擴大,商務活動更加頻繁,商務英語進入了一個全新發(fā)展的階段。商務英語不僅是我國目前從事或即將從事涉外商務人員的有效工具,而且也是他們在這個經(jīng)濟全球化時代中競爭能力和業(yè)務素質(zhì)的重要體現(xiàn)。尤其在中國加入WT0之后,競爭圍繞著經(jīng)濟、金融和貿(mào)易激烈地展開,而這些領域里的商務活動大多是以英語作為交際語言來進行的。因此,我國對既懂國際經(jīng)貿(mào)知識,又熟練掌握商務英語的人才需求越來越大,培養(yǎng)和造就一大批這類人才已成為當務之急?! ≌窃谶@種形勢下,我們編寫了《商務英語會話》一書,希望能夠幫助那些有志在商務方面大顯身手的讀者在短時間內(nèi)迅速有效地提高商務英語水平。本書共分4個部分:“商務生活”、“商務交流”、“商務實務”和“其他商務環(huán)節(jié)”;每個部分由16至19個單元組成;每個單元包括“常用句型”、“情景對話”和“重要詞語”三部分內(nèi)容。全書通過70個經(jīng)典會話場景反映出各種商務活動中語境真實、對話生動、語言地道的特點。本書收集的常用句型和重要詞語都與所列舉的各種商務場景有關,實用、地道、出現(xiàn)率高,便于讀者熟悉掌握,有利于讀者在提高英語水平的同時,豐富自己的商務知識。  本書體現(xiàn)了如下特點:情景真實、對話生動,用法地道、語言規(guī)范,瑯瑯上口、實用性強,涵蓋面廣、重復率高,舉一反三、一語多說,通俗易懂、知識性強。我們真誠希望此書能成為讀者在商務領域成才的好幫手。




PartⅠ B Usiness Life商務生活Unit 1 On a B Usiness Trip(出差)Unit 2 Reserving a Room(預訂房間)Unit 3 Crossing the Border(過邊境)Unit 4 At the C Ustoms(過海關)Unit 5 Meeting at the Airport(接機)Unit 6 Making an Introd Uction(彼此介紹)Unit 7 Taking a Taxi(打車)Unit 8 Traveling by B Us and S Ubway(乘坐公共汽車和地鐵)Unit 9 B Usiness Reception(商務接待)Unit 10 Conference Arrangement(安排會議)Unit 11 Making Sched Ules(日程安排)Unit 12 Changing Plans(改變計劃)Unit 13 In the Resta Urant(在餐廳)Unit 14 Entertainment(娛樂)Unit 15 Shopping(購物)Unit 16 Sightseeing(觀光旅游)Unit 17 Check-o Ut(退房)Unit 18 Parting(離別)PartⅡ B Usiness Comm Unications商務交流Unit 1 B Usiness Plan(商務計劃)Unit 2 B Usiness Letters(商務信函)Unit 3 E-mail(電子郵件)Unit 4 B Usiness Phone Call(打電話)Unit 5 Invitation(邀請客人)Unit 6 Visiting a Factory(參觀工廠)Unit 7 Exec Uting Meetings(開會)Unit 8 Small Talk(聊天)Unit 9 Talking abo Ut the Job(談論工作)Unit 10 Comments on the Boss(評價老板)Unit 11 Trade Fair(商品交易會)Unit 12 Press Release(新聞發(fā)布)Unit 13 Company Profile(公司介紹)Unit 14 Corporate C Ult Ure(公司文化)Unit 15 Recommendation(產(chǎn)品推薦)Unit 16 Trade Forms(貿(mào)易形式)PartⅢ B Usiness Practice商務實務Unit 1 Establishing B Usiness Relations(建立業(yè)務關系)Unit 2 Inq Uiry(詢盤)Unit 3 Offer(報盤)Unit 4 Co Unter-offer(還盤)Unit 5 Price Negotiation(磋商價格)Unit 6 Disco Unts and Commissions(折扣和傭金)Unit 7 Terms of Payment(付款方式)Unit 8 Packaging(包裝)Unit 9 Ins Urance(保險)Unit 10 Order(訂購)Unit 11 Signing a Contract(簽訂合同)Unit 12 Shipment(裝運)Unit 13 Delivery(交貨)Unit 14 Commodity Inspection(商品檢驗)Unit 15 Ret Urning the Goods(退貨)Unit 16 Claims(索賠)Unit 17 Settling Complaints(處理投訴)PartⅣ Other B Usiness Sectors其他商務環(huán)節(jié)Unit 1 Advertising(廣告)Unit 2 Patent and Trademark(專利和商標)Unit 3 Job Interviews(面試)Unit 4 Training(培訓)Unit 5 Paying Taxes(繳稅)Unit 6 B Udget(預算)Unit 7 A Uditing(審計)Unit 8 Q Uality Control(質(zhì)量控制)Unit 9 B Usiness Environment(商務環(huán)境)Unit 10 Market Research(市場調(diào)查)Unit 11 Sole Agent(獨家代理)Unit 12 E-b Usiness(電子商務)Unit 13 After-sale Services(售后服務)Unit 14 Banking B Usiness(銀行業(yè)務)Unit 15 Tendering and Bidding(招標與投標)Unit 16 Technology Transfer and Cooperation(技術轉(zhuǎn)讓與技術合作)Unit 17 Merger and Acq Uisition(并購)Unit 18 Financing and F Undraising(融資和集資)Unit 19 Joint Vent Ure(合資企業(yè))References參考文獻


  B: That means Beijing opera did not originate in Beijing.  A: No. But it got its recognition and development in Beijing.  B: Oh, I see.  A: It is a unique performing art that integrates singing, dialogue, acting and acrobatics. The characters of Beijingopera are divided into four groups. They are Sheng, Dan, Jing, and Chou.  B: What do all the characters mean respectively?  A: Sheng is the male role. Dan is the female role. Jing is the painted face and Chou is the clown. Their costume and make-up make you easily tell them. The patterns and colors on their "painted" faces show different symbolic meanings.  B: Can you give me some examples?  A: For example, if red is the main color of the face, it stands for loyalty, blue for cruelty, yellow for cunning, and white for treachery.  B: It sounds interesting.  A: What is more interesting about Beijing opera is that there used to be no fe-male performers in the past and all the roles were played by males. Ofcourse, now things have changed, and there are both male and female per-formers in Beijing opera.  B: Would you please tell me something about Beijing operas themes?  A: OK. The themes of Beijing opera mainly come from historical events, fic-tional tales, folk stories and classical literature. And many modern ones deal with the present reality.  B: It seems to me that Beijing opera is a colorful and diverse art.  A: Yes, it is. So youd better enjoy more of Beijing opera later.  B: I will. Thank you very much.



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