
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:云南大學出版社  作者:王玲  頁數(shù):221  




ForewordAcknowledgementsChapter Ⅰ Periodic Syntax as Stylistic ChoiceSection Ⅰ Historical Review of Latinising Trends in English LiteratureSection Ⅱ Stylistic Analysis of English Periodic SyntaxSection Ⅲ Sample Analysis of John Miltons and Samuel Johnsons Distinctive Periodic StylesChapter Ⅱ Henry Jamess Grandly Vague and Abstract Periodic Style in The AmbassadorsSection Ⅱ Henry Jamess Grandly Vague and Abstract Periodic Style as a Creative Adaptation of Both John Miltons and Samuel Johnsons Periodic StylesSection Ⅱ Lexical Features in The AmbassadorSection Ⅲ Grammatical Features in The AmbassadorsSection Ⅳ Delayed Specification of Referents in The AmbassadorsSection Ⅴ Sample Analysis of a Narrative Passage from The AmbassadorsSection Ⅵ Characteristics of the Dialogues in The Ambassadors with Sample AnalysisChapter Ⅲ Conclusion: Henry James as a Modern Periodic MasterBibliographyPublications by the Same Author onThe AmbassadorsAbout the Author——Wang Ling



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