出版時間:2009-7 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社 作者:張海森 編 頁數:173
改革開放三十年以來,我國綜合國力顯著提升,經濟對外開放與融合的程度不斷加深。大型企業(yè)向國際化管理模式的轉變以及工商企業(yè)走出去戰(zhàn)略的實施,對商務英語專業(yè)人才培養(yǎng)模式提出了更高的要求。從外語教育的角度來看,不僅要培養(yǎng)學生具有扎實的語言基本功底,同時還要培養(yǎng)他們具備較強的跨文化交際能力。閱讀是語言學習者最重要的信息輸入形式之一。本教材選擇西方主流經濟類媒體的相關報道,使學生在了解當今世界所發(fā)生的各類商務事件的同時,提高其對商務英語語言的理解和應用能力。本教材取材新穎、語篇精煉、主題多樣、難度適中。各單篇幅字數約為6000字左右,內容涉及經濟、金融、貿易、管理、投資、科技、環(huán)保等主題,便于學習者從多個視角理解現(xiàn)實經濟社會運行狀況?! ”窘滩牡木帉懺O計以學習者的需求為出發(fā)點,重在培養(yǎng)學習者的語言應用能力。在編寫結構上,本教材由單元語篇、詞匯、內容注釋、練習四部分組成。答案可從書后教學支持說明索取。詞匯編排分為一般逾越難句障礙、更好地把握整個語篇意義。為鞏固所學內容,課文后配有形式多樣的練習,包括問題回答、選詞填空、術語與語義配對、選句填空和小組發(fā)言。練習的目的是既要學習者掌握所學語言基本技能,同時還要使其利用所學內容以口頭表達的方式來展示綜合語言運用能力。書后配有相關單元練習答案,以備參考。
Chapter 1 Wall Street Reels, NYC Braces for Tough EconomyChapter 2 Chief Struggles to Revive Merrill LynchChapter 3 Out of the Frying PanChapter 4 A Capital Crunch Is Coming If Cash Calls Arent Speeded UpChapter 5 Confidence Ebbs for Bank Sector and Stocks FallChapter 6 Slowing Economy Gives Way to Global Role ReversalsChapter 7 The Wild Green YonderChapter 8 Lets Hope Its Over SoonChapter 9 Fearless Prospecting in a Changing EconomyChapter 10 The Doha Round... and Round... and RoundChapter 11 Bartering Expands in the Internet AgeChapter 12 The Meaning of Bill GatesChapter 13 In Surprise, 2 Tech Titans DisappointChapter 14 Boom Times Take Root in DubaiChapter 15 Big Business Shows Politicians How the PlanetCan Be Saved
John A. Thain never said that turning around Merrill Lynch would be easy. "We have not seen the bottom," he declared in December, when he took the reins of the troubled Wall Street giant. But not even Mr. Thain expected Merrill, the nations largest brokerage firm, to go downhill so fast or so far. On Thursday, Merrill reported its fourth consecutive quarterly loss, a $ 4.9 billion deficit that exceeded even the most pessimistic forecasts. The numbers are staggering. During the past 12 months, Merrill, known for its "Thundering Herd" of stockbrokers, has lost about $192 billion, which works out to about $52 million a day. It suffered $9.7 billion of write-downs in its latest quarter, bringing its charges to more than $41 billion since the credit crisis first flared last summer. It is quite a comedown for Mr. Thain, 53, who won praise for revitalizing the embattled New York Stock Exchange before taking the top job at Merrill. The firms problems underscore how bankers and policy makers are struggling to contain the damage to the financial system and the broader economy caused by the collapse of housing-related debt. "Im generally a very optimistic guy, but this is as difficult a market environment as Ive seen in my entire career," Mr. Thain said in an interview Thursday evening.