
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:蘇州大學出版社  作者:范建華,毛啟紅 主編  頁數(shù):167  


  “英美國家概況”課程是為高等學校英語專業(yè)學生開設的專業(yè)知識必修課。按照教育部21世紀我國高等學校英語專業(yè)人才的培養(yǎng)目標和要求,在打好扎實的英語語言基本功和牢固掌握英語專業(yè)知識的前提下,要拓寬學生的人文學科知識,擴大知識面,對西方不同的政治、經(jīng)濟、文化、歷史和科技教育等有較全面的了解,其中重點是對英國和美國國情的梳理和掌握。同時,注重培養(yǎng)學生獨立思考、分析問題、解決問題的能力和創(chuàng)新能力,培養(yǎng)學生跨文化交際意識和能力,提高思想道德素質、文化素養(yǎng),并對今后從事英美問題的研究打下堅實的基礎?! ∫恢币詠恚谶@樣一門重要課程的教材選擇方面,存在著諸多難點:  1.由于“英美國家概況”課程的知識覆蓋面廣,涉及歷史、政治、經(jīng)濟、文化等方方面面,所選教材在內容上應做到有詳有略,既全面翔實,又重點突出。  2.英美兩國在政治、地域、風俗等方面與中國有很大差異,這種差異會對學生的認知和理解造成一定的困難。教材編寫者應充分考慮到這種客觀存在的文化差異,并在編排上加以妥善考慮?! ?.英文版的教材中存在大量歷史事件、地理位置等專有名詞和術語,這對于學生的英文水平是一個很大的挑戰(zhàn)。教材的語言在地道通暢外還應做到難易適中。  4.網(wǎng)絡時代,學習方式呈多樣化,教材的內容不應顯得過于陳1日,應能滿足網(wǎng)絡時代的學習需求。  為此,我們組織國內諸多高校的一線“英美國家概況”課程教師,從實際授課需求出發(fā),在他們多年教學經(jīng)驗的基礎上,編寫了《新編英美國家社會與文化》(英文版)一書。本書充分考慮了以上提及的問題,綜合考量了教師的教學需要和學生的學習需求,對于應該讓中國學生掌握的英美國家社會文化知識作了詳盡介紹,而對一些只需要了解的知識簡要介紹,使教材在有限的篇幅里較為全面地向中國學生展示“盡可能真實的英國和美國”。本教材既可作為大中專院校相關課程的教材,滿足人才培養(yǎng)需求,也可以作為英語愛好者的普及性讀物。




Chapter One General Introduction 1.1 Topography 1.2 Rivers, Lakes and Coast 1.3 Climate 1.4 Natural Resources 1.5 Population and Language 1.6 The American Dream 1.7 American Family Life 1.8 Holidays and FestivalsChapter Two A Brief History ( I ) 2.1 The Discovery of America 2.2 Overview of Colonial America 1607-1754 2.3 Mayflower Compact 2.4 The American War of Independence 2.5 The American Civil WarChapter Three A Brief History ( II ) 3.1 World War I 3.2 Prosperity and Depression 3.3 The New Deal and World War 1T 3.4 The Modern EraChapter Four Political System 4.1 The Political Culture of America 4.2 The 1787 Constitution 4.3 The Federal Svstem 4.4 The Party SystemChapter Five Economy 5.1 The Economic System 5.2 A Historical Overview 5.3 Natural Resources 5.4 Different SectorsChapter Six Literature 6.1 Literature and American Revolution(1746-1815) 6.2 American Romanticism (1815-1865) 6.3 American Realism (1865-1914) 6.4 Modern Period (1914-1945)Chapter Seven Education 7.1 School Grades 7.2 Basic Curricular Structure 7.3 College and UniversityChapter Eight Foreign Policy 8.1 The American Heritage in Decision of Foreign Policy .. 8.2 The Foreign Policy in and out of the World War Time .. 8.3 Three Dimensions of the US Foreign PolicyChapter Nine Religion 9.1 Protestants 9.2 Catholics 9.3 The Orthodox Church 9.4 Judaism 9.5 Religion and PoliticsChapter Ten News Media 10.1 Different Forms of News Media 10.2 Features of News Media 10.3 New TrendsBibliography


  Situated in Northern Europe, lying to the north of France and the west of the Netherlands and Denmark, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK for short) is made up of four. parts known as England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, whose capital cites, respectively are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.  Each of the four parts demonstrates its own geographical characteristics in terms of land forms, of which the most famous ones are the Pennines, Lake District, Grampian Range, etc. The UK is also one country possessing many rivers, some of which provide irrigation, and few navigation. It is well worth mentioning that the Thames River and the Clyde River are respectively the most important rivers in England and Scotland. As an island country, Britain has a long but irregular coastline. The gentler eastern coastline consists mainly of limestone and chalk cliffs, among which the most famous are the White Cliffs of Dover. As for the British climate, 3 characteristics can be summarized. The first is uncertainty and changeability~ the second is much precipitation, and the last one is mildness. Small as its territory is, the UK is relatively rich in such natural resources as coal, oil, natural gas, limestone, iron, tin and water resources as well.  The population of the United Kingdom is 60,209,500 (2005 estimates), England being the part with the largest population compared with the other 3 parts of the UK. English is the most widely spoken language in this country, but Gaelic and Welsh are also popular languages respectively in Scotland and Wales. In their daily lives and work, British people show the world four features of their personalities, arrogance, conservativeness, sense of humor and politeness.



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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   深入淺出,內容挺充實的,適合做英美文化的教材
  •   內容挺好的,能學到不少平時課堂學部到的知識
  •   書本質量好,內容充實
  •   很新,送的很快,一直很信任當當,還有優(yōu)惠,希望以后更好
  •   還可以,就是缺少深度,我覺得我們對自己的文化了解太少了

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