出版時間:2011-2 出版社:中國和平音像出版社 作者:《長喜英語》圖書編委會 編,王長喜 主編 頁數(shù):280 字數(shù):344000
"People now have the opportunity of expressing support for Obamaevery day," says Daniel Effron at Stanford University in California. "Ourresearch arouses the concern that people may now be more likely to raise-negative views of African Americans." On the other hand, he says, it mayjust encourage people to talk more honestly about their feelings regardingrace issues, which may not be such a bad thing. Another part of the study suggests far more is at stake than the mereexpression of views. The Obama effect may have a negative side. Just oneweek after Obama was elected president, participants were less ready tosupport policies designed to address racial inequality than they had beentwo weeks before the election.Huge obstacles. It could, of course, also be that Obamas success helps people to forgetthat a disproportionate number of black Americans still live in poverty andface huge obstacles when trying to overcome these circumstances. "BarackObamas family is such a salient image, we generalise it and failto see the larger picture —— that theres injustice in every aspect of Ameri-can life," says Cheryl Kaiser of the University of Washington in Seattle.Those trying to address issues of racial inequality need to constantly re-mind people of the inequalities that still exist to counteract the Obama ef-fect, she says.
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