
出版時間:2008-10  出版社:瘋狂英語雜志社  作者:瘋狂英語雜志社 編  頁數(shù):64  




詩情無限4 貓頭鷹和小貓咪歡樂跨界6 讓紳士感到氣塞的對話9 如果美國有個女王……11 人見人愛的轉(zhuǎn)校生口才集訓(xùn)營18 了解你的鄰國20淘小子看世界異域采風(fēng)26 臺北民俗之旅30 藍(lán)天白雪間的驚奇歲月留聲34 我們的永別閃爍星辰36 菲爾普斯的一人軍團(tuán)智慧人生41 我們都與眾不同44 千古謎團(tuán):亞特蘭蒂斯49 約定俗成的陷阱獨(dú)家訪談54 我要讓他們成為終生的學(xué)習(xí)者黃金書屋57 追逐日光玫瑰咖啡屋62 七件事


 ?。↖n the helicopter)Ma Ying-jeou(Former Taipeis Mayor): Taipei City is amixture of otd and the new. So in this city you couldvisit the National Patace Museum, and see the past ofChina. You could also go to Taipei 101 to experiencethe tattest building in the world. So this is a city fullof surprises.  Its absotutety overwhetming to be flying aroundthe wortds tallest buitding, with Taipeis Mayor. Hesso 611aid-back and friendty that Im reaty lookingforward to meeting the rest of the peopte in this city.Ma: Peopte here are very friendty, friendty towardoutsiders. I think this has something to do with theimmigrant character of the citizens here. They,themsetves, or their ancestors came from other partsof the world, or other parts of Taipei. So they try tohelp peopte.  Shiuan says that a major part of Taipeis charactercomes from its iconic night markets, and the Chinesefood in this city is the best in Northeast Asia.Shiuan: A tot of night markets started out, I think,being associated with a temple. You know, you havea lot of, like, hawkers in front of a temple. Peoptewould go to the tempte. Theyre hungry when theycome out. It eventuatty develops into this one bignight market.Narrator: presume that Taipeis temptes are futt ofpigs, chickens and fish, at praying for their lives, asthere doesnt seem to be a whole tot on offer here forvegetarians.



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