
出版時(shí)間:2003-11  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  作者:Hwa-Tung Nieh  頁數(shù):549  


The International Symposium on Frontiers of Science was held to celebrate the 80th birthday of Chen Ning Yang, one of the great physicists of the 20th century and arguably the most-admired living scientist in China today. Many of the world’s great scientists — including sixteen Nobel laureates, Fields medallists and Wolf Prize winners — converged on Beijing from all corners of the globe to pay tribute to Professor Yang.   The Symposium was organized by Tsinghua University, with which Professor Yang has had a lifelong relationship. In 1997, he helped to found the Center for Advanced Study at Tsinghua, was appointed to the university’s faculty, and has since devoted his energy to the growth of the Center.   This unique and invaluable birthday volume is a collection of the presentations made at the Symposium, including fifteen plenary talks, seven of which are by Nobel laureates. It covers a wide range of topics and mirrors Professor Yang’s research and intellectual interests. The range of fields encompasses high-energy, condensed-matter, mathematical, applied, bio-, astro-, atomic and quantum physics. Also included are talks given at the birthday banquet. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


PrefacePLENARY SESSIONS  The Laser -- What It Is and How It Happened    Charles H. Townes Neutrino Physics   Rudolf L. Moessbauer Gauge Theory at Tsinghua   Shiing-Shen Chern Emergent Relativity   Robert B. Laughlin Watching Molecular Systems Work, One at a Time   Steven Chu Functional Analysis of the Human Genome: Study ofGenetic Disease   Lap-Chee Tsui Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Studies of Cuprate Superconductors   Zhi-Xun Shen Superconductivity in 4-Angstrom Carbon Nanotubes   Ping Sheng Understanding High Tc Superconductivity   Zheng- Yu Weng The Hidden Information in the Standard Model   Gerard 't Hooft Some Reflections on the Mechanization of Mental Laborin the Computer Age    Wen- Tsun Wu Research and Development Towards X-Ray Free Electron Lasers   Li Hua Yu Imaging the Quantum World Using the Phase of Electron Waves   Akira Tonomura Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Gas; the First 70 Years and Some Recent Experiments   Eric A. Cornell and C. E. Wieman Production of a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Metastable Helium Atoms  Claude Cohen-Tannoudji et alPARALLEL  SESSIONS  Particle and Field Theory Broken Unitarity of the SM  Bing An Li Spatiotemporal Complexities at the Subnuclear Level of Matter   Meng Ta-Chung Polarization Effects in B -- V1 V2 and Subsequent Decays  G. Kramer, Hee-Sung Song and Chaehyun Yu Quantum Field Theory Without Regularization and Hard Divergence: Short-Distance Boundary Interactions and Anomalous Contributions in QED   Lai-Him Chan QFT, Strings and Low-Dimensional Topology   Hu SenStatistical and Mathematical PhysicsInter-disciplinary TopicsBiophysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsAstrophysics and CosmologyBANQUET SPEECHES



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