出版時間:2012-1 出版社:合記圖書出版社 作者:Paritosh Prasad 譯者:張佑全
Charles Wilder兒科教授
協(xié)同作者群 iii
序言 vi
編者的話 vii
譯者序 viii
縮寫 xv
Michele S. Duke, Anna Wheeler Rosenquist, Bradley Monash, Paritosh Prasad, and Shannon E. Scott-Vernaglia
母乳哺餵 (Breast-feeding) 1-1
牛奶蛋白過敏 (Cow's milk protein allergy) 1-1
胃食道逆流 (Reflux) 1-1
嬰兒猝死癥 (Sudden infant death syndrome) 1-1
頭骨畸形 (Skull deformities) 1-2
新生兒高膽紅素血癥 (Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia) 1-3
嬰兒腸絞痛 (Colic) 1-5
正常的生長 (Normal growth) 1-6
生長遲緩,長不大 (Failure to thrive) 1-6
體重過重與肥胖 (Overweight and obesity) 1-7
發(fā)展里程碑 (Developmental milestones) 1-8
自閉癥系列障礙 (Autism spectrum disorder, ASD) 1-10
預(yù)防接種 (Immunizations) 1-11
鉛濃度篩檢和毒性 (Lead screening and toxicity) 1-12
子宮頸抹片 (Pap smears) 1-13
避孕法 (Contraception) 1-14
飲食性疾患 (Eating disorders) 1-14
與青少年建立關(guān)係並建立他們的優(yōu)勢 (Engaging adolescents and building on their strengths) 1-15
Emily F Gregory, Efren Gutierrez, Paritosh Prasad, and Linda T.Wang
常見兒科急癥之快速的評估與處理 (Rapid evaluation and management of common pediatric emergencies) 2-1
喘鳴 (Stridor) 2-5
過敏性反應(yīng) (Anaphylaxis) 2-6
明顯威脅生命的事件 (Apparent life-threatening event, ALTE) 2-7
嬰兒與兒童不明原因的發(fā)燒 (Fever without an identified source in infants and children) 2-8
闌尾炎 (Appendicitis) 2-11
腸套疊 (Intussusception) 2-11
燒傷 (Burns) 2-12
一氧化碳吸入 (Carbon monoxide inhalation) 2-14
創(chuàng)傷概述 (Trauma overview) 2-14
頭部外傷 (Head trauma) 2-15
異物吸入和吞入 (Foreign bodies aspiration and ingestion) 2-17
哭泣的嬰兒 (The crying infant) 2-17
骨科性急癥 (Emergent orthopedic issues) 2-18
毒物學(xué) (Toxicology) 2-19
過敏反應(yīng)和免疫學(xué) (ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY)
Lori Zimmerman, Shira H. Brown, Laura De Girolami, Milo Vassallo, and Elizabeth C.TePas
食物過敏 (Food allergy) 3-1
異位性皮膚炎 (Atopic dermatitis) 3-2
藥物過敏 (Drug allergy) 3-3
蕁麻疹和血管性水腫 (Urticaria and angioedema) 3-3
免疫缺損 (Immune deficiencies) 3-6
B細(xì)胞缺乏癥 (體液性) (B-cell deficiency; humoral) 3-6
T細(xì)胞缺乏癥 (細(xì)胞性免疫) (T-cell deficiencies; cellular immunity) 3-7
複合型免疫缺乏癥 (Combined immune deficiencies) 3-8
補體缺乏癥 (Complement deficiencies) 3-9
吞噬細(xì)胞疾病 (Phagocytic disorders) 3-10
心臟學(xué) (CARDIOLOGY)
Deepak Palakshappa, Paritosh Prasad, and Ana Maria Rosales
心電圖判讀 (EKG interpretation) 4-1
心雜音 (Heart murmurs) 4-2
暈厥 (Syncope) 4-3
胸痛 (Chest pain) 4-4
發(fā)紺的兒童 (Cyanotic child) 4-5
先天性心臟病 (Congenital heart disease) 4-7
原發(fā)性高血壓 (Essential hypertension) 4-9
兒童心律不整 (Pediatric dysrhythmias) 4-10
心包膜炎和心包膜積水 (Pericarditis and pericardial effusion) 4-12
心肌病 (Cardiomyopathies, CM) 4-13
鬱血性心衰竭 (Congestive heart failure) 4-15
內(nèi)分泌學(xué) (ENDOCRINOLOGY)
Alison Schwartz, Shana McCormack, Elvira Isganaitis, and Lynne L. Levitsky
糖尿病 (Diabetes mellitus) 5-1
第1型糖尿病 (Diabetes mellitus type 1) 5-1
第2型糖尿病 (Diabetes mellitus type 2) 5-3
糖尿病酮酸中毒 (Diabetic ketoacidosis) 5-4
低血糖 (Hypoglycemia) 5-5
甲狀腺功能檢查 (Thyroid function tests) 5-6
甲狀腺功亢進 (Hyperthyroidism) 5-6
甲狀腺功能低下 (Hypothyroidism) 5-7
腎上腺功能不全 (Adrenal insufficiency, AI) 5-8
腦下垂體功能低下 (Hypopituitarism) 5-9
性器不明 (Ambiguous genitalia) 5-10
性早熟 (Precocious puberty) 5-10
青春期延遲 (Delayed puberty) 5-11
身材矮小 (Short stature) 5-12
無月經(jīng)癥 (Amenorrhea) 5-13
多囊性卵巢癥候群 (Polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS) 5-14
Paritosh Prasad and Avram Z. Traum
體液與輸液 (Body and parenteral fluids) 6-1
脫水與水分再補充 (Dehydration and rehydration) 6-1
低血鈉 (Hyponatremia) 6-3
高血鈉 (hypernatremia) 6-5
低血鉀 (Hypokalemia) 6-7
高血鉀 (Hyperkalemia) 6-9
低血鈣 (Hypocalcemia) 6-10
高血鈣 (Hypercalcemia) 6-12
低血鎂/高血鎂 (Hypomagnesemia/Hypermagnesemia) 6-14
低血磷/高血磷 (Hypophosphatemia/hyperphosphatemia) 6-15
酸鹼性疾病 (Acid base disorders) 6-16
代謝性酸中毒 (Metabolic acidosis) 6-17
代謝性鹼中毒 (Metabolic alkalosis) 6-19
呼吸性酸中毒和鹼中毒 (Respiratory acidosis and alkalosis) 6-20
Paritosh Prasad, Bradley Monash, Jess Kaplan, Garrett C. Zella, and Jeffrey A Biller
急性腹痛 (Acute abdominal pain) 7-1
消化性潰瘍 (Peptic ulcer disease) 7-1
嘔吐 (Vomiting) 7-2
胃食道逆流疾病 (Gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD) 7-4
幽門狹窄 (Pyloric stenosis) 7-5
腸胃道出血 (Gastrointestinal bleeding) 7-5
急性腹瀉 (Acute diarrhea) 7-7
慢性腹瀉 (Chronic diarrhea) 7-9
麩質(zhì)腸病變 (腹腔性疾病) (Celiac disease) 7-10
發(fā)炎性腸道疾病 (Inflammatory bowel disease, IBD) 7-11
黃疸 (Jaundice) 7-14
肝功能異常 (Abnormal liver function tests) 7-14
肝炎 (Hepatitis) 7-15
膽道疾病 (Biliary tract disease) 7-18
急性胰臟炎 (Acute pancreatitis) 7-19
慢性胰臟炎 (Chronic pancreatitis) 7-20
血液學(xué) (HEMATOLOGY)
Nirali Shah and Eric F. Grabowski
貧血 (Anemia) 8-1
血紅素病變 (Hemoglobinopathies) 8-2
血小板疾病 (Platelet disorders) 8-3
凝血功能 (Coagulation) 8-5
骨髓衰竭 (Bone marrow failure) 8-8
腫瘤學(xué) (ONCOLOGY)
Patrick T. McGann, Kevin R . Schwartz, and Howard J. Weinstein
兒童的淋巴結(jié)病變 (Lymphadenopathy in the pediatric patient) 9-1
兒童腫瘤急癥 (Pediatric oncologic emergencies) 9-3
兒童的中性球低下癥 (Neutropenia in the pediatric patient) 9-4
急性淋巴性白血病 (Acute lymphoblastic leukemia) 9-5
急性骨髓性白血病 (Acute myelogenous leukemia) 9-6
何杰金氏淋巴瘤 (Hodgkin lymphoma) 9-6
非何杰金氏淋巴瘤 (Non-Hodgkin lymphoma) 9-7
輸血 (Transfusions) 9-8
兒童腦瘤 (Pediatric brain tumors) 9-10
神經(jīng)母細(xì)胞瘤 (Neuroblastoma) 9-12
骨肉瘤 (Osteosarcoma) 9-13
Phuoc V. Le, Colin McCreight, Anne Griffin, Paritosh Prasad, and Chadi El Saleeby
不明熱 (Fever of unknown origin) 10-1
感染性腦膜炎 (Infectious meningitis) 10-1
眼眶周圍 (隔膜前) 及眼窩蜂窩性組織炎 [Periorbital (preseptal) and orbital cellulitis] 10-3
急性中耳炎 (Acute otitis media) 10-4
淋巴腺炎 (Lymphadenitis) 10-5
萊姆病 (Lyme disease) 10-6
泌尿道感染/腎盂腎炎 (UTI/pyelonephritis) 10-7
蜂窩性組織炎 (Cellulitis) 10-8
化膿性關(guān)節(jié)炎和骨髓炎 (Septic arthritis and osteomyelitis) 10-9
性傳染病 (Sexually transmitted infections) 10-11
骨盆腔發(fā)炎 (Pelvic inflammatory disease) 10-15
結(jié)核病 (Tuberculosis) 10-16
人類免疫缺乏病毒 (HIV) 10-17
兒童肺炎 (Pediatric pneumonia) 10-19
Alyssa R. Letourneau, Marsha F. Browning, and Vivian E. Shih
先天性代謝異常 (Inborn errors of metabolism) 11-1
代謝急癥 (Emergencies) 11-1
代謝性酸中毒與酮癥 (Metabolic acidosis and ketosis) 11-2
低血糖 (Hypoglycemia) 11-2
高血氨癥 (Hyperammonemia) 11-3
新生兒篩檢異常 (Abnormal newborn screen) 11-3
半乳糖血癥 (Galactosemia) 11-3
苯酮尿癥/苯丙氨酸血癥 (Phenylketonuria/Phenylalaninemia) 11-4
已知的先天性代謝異常之處理 (Management of known inborn errors of metabolism) 11-4
懷疑代謝疾病兒童死後的檢查 (Post mortem labs) 11-6
三染色體13 (Trisomy 13) 11-6
三染色體18 (Trisomy 18) 11-6
三染色體21 (Trisomy 21) 11-6
透納氏癥 (Turner syndrome) 11-7
X染色體脆折癥 (Fragile X) 11-8
柯林菲特氏癥 (Klinefelter) 11-8
VACTERL聯(lián)合畸形 (VACTERL) 11-9
溶小體儲積癥 (Lysosomal storage diseases) 11-9
粒腺體缺陷 (Mitochondrial defects) 11-11
Ehlers-Danlos癥候群 (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) 11-11
馬凡氏癥 (Marfan disease) 11-12
神經(jīng)學(xué) (NEUROLOGY)
Casey Olm-Shipman, M. Zelime Ward, and Verne S . Caviness
單純性熱痙攣 (Simple febrile seizure) 12-1
兒童之第一次非發(fā)燒性抽搐 (First nonfebrile seizure in children) 12-1
癲癇 (Epilepsy) 12-2
癲癇重積狀態(tài) (Status Epilepticus, SE) 12-4
運動障礙/動作障礙疾病 (Dyskinesia/Movement disorders) 12-5
步態(tài)異常/運動失調(diào) (Abnormal gait/Ataxia) 12-5
無力/周邊神經(jīng)病變 (Weakness/Peripheral neuropathies) 12-6
脫髓鞘疾病 (Demyelinating diseases) 12-9
腦性麻痺 (Cerebral palsy) 12-11
頭痛 (Headache, HA) 12-12
神經(jīng)皮膚癥候群 (Neurocutaneous syndromes) 12-14
Peter P. Moschovis, Lael M . Yonker, Elizabeth C. Parsons, Benjamin A . Nelson, Efraim Sadot, Christina V. Scirica, Kenan Haver, and Natan Noviski
肺功能檢查 (Pulmonary function tests) 13-1
常見的呼吸道問題 (Common respiratory complaints) 13-3
喉頭軟化癥 (Laryngomalacia) 13-3
哮吼 (Croup) 13-4
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停癥候群 (Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) 13-5
氣管軟化癥 (Tracheomalacia) 13-6
氣喘 (Asthma) 13-6
細(xì)支氣管炎 (Bronchiolitis) 13-8
囊性纖維病 (Cystic fibrosis) 13-9
咳血 (Hemoptysis) 13-10
肋膜積液 (Pleural effusions) 13-11
氣胸 (Pneumothorax) 13-12
腎臟 (RENAL)
Shana McCormack, Paritosh Prasad, and Avram Z. Traum
尿液分析 (Urinalysis) 14-1
急性腎衰竭 (Acute renal failure) 14-1
慢性腎衰竭 (Chronic renal failure) 14-3
次發(fā)性高血壓 (Secondary hypertension) 14-4
血尿、腎炎癥候群 (Hematuria, nephritic syndromes) 14-4
泌尿道結(jié)石 (Urinary tract calculi) 14-5
腎病癥候群 (Nephrotic syndrome) 14-6
腎小管酸中毒 (Renal tubular acidosis) 14-6
膀胱輸尿管逆流 (Vesicoureteral reflux) 14-7
風(fēng)濕病學(xué) (RHEUMATOLOGY)
Anne Griffin, Deepak Palakshappa, Catherine Aftandilian, Kavita B. Vyas, Smitha Chillambhi, and Holly Rothermel
幼年型不明原因性關(guān)節(jié)炎 (Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, JIA) 15-1
反應(yīng)性關(guān)節(jié)炎 (Reactive arthritis) 15-2
全身性紅斑性狼瘡 (Systemic lupus erythematosus) 15-3
血管炎 (Vasculitides) 15-5
皮肌炎/多發(fā)性肌炎 (Dermatomyositis/Polymyositis) 15-9
新生兒加護病房 (NICU)
Naureen Memon, Miranda Bik-Yin Ip, Phuoc V. Le, and Joseph H. Chou
產(chǎn)房的處理 (Delivery room management) 16-1
新生兒加護病房的基本處理 (Basic NICU management) 16-3
肺部/呼吸 (Pulmonary/Respiratory) 16-6
心血管 (Cardiovascular) 16-8
腸胃病學(xué) (Gastroenterology) 16-9
感染性疾病 (Infectious disease) 16-12
血液學(xué) (Hematology) 16-16
神經(jīng)學(xué) (Neurology) 16-17
兒童加護病房 (PICU)
Elizabeth C. Parsons, Peter P. Moschovis, and Elliot Melendez
加護病房的一般照顧 (General ICU care) 17-1
危重癥患者的預(yù)防措施 (Prophylaxis in critical illness) 17-1
疼痛控制和鎮(zhèn)靜 (Pain control and sedation) 17-2
呼吸衰竭 (Respiratory failure) 17-2
呼吸器 (Mechanical ventilation) 17-3
兒童葉克膜/體外維生系統(tǒng) (Pediatric ECMO/ECLS) 17-4
呼吸器相關(guān)的肺炎 (Ventilator-associated pneumonia, VAP) 17-5
急性呼吸窘迫癥候群 (Acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS) 17-5
敗血性休克 (Septic shock) 17-6
強心劑與升壓劑 (Inotropes, chronotropes, and vasopressors) 17-8
腦壓上升 (Increased intracranial pressure) 17-9
加護病房常見流程 (Procedures) 17-10
快速順序插管 (Rapid sequence intubation) 17-10