《The Man Who Tried to Buy the World: Jean-Marie Messier and Vivendi Universal (精裝)》下載

《The Man Who Tried to Buy the World: Jean-Marie Messier and Vivendi Universal (精裝)》PDF下載

圖書名稱: The Man Who Tried to Buy the World: Jean-Marie Messier and Vivendi Universal (精裝)
出版印刷時間: 2002-12
出版社: Portfolio/Penguin Group (USA)
圖書作者: Martine Orange
文件格式: PDF
13位ISBN: 9781591840183
10位ISBN: 159184018X
頁數: 268
下載地址: The Man Who Tried to Buy the World: Jean-Marie Messier and Vivendi Universal (精裝)PDF格式下載
查看詳細: The Man Who Tried to Buy the World: Jean-Marie Messier and Vivendi Universal (精裝)

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