出版時間:2009-3 出版社:安徽大學出版社 作者:曹道根 頁數(shù):214 字數(shù):230000
本書還對漢語被字句中的接應(yīng)代詞的指稱情況作了比較深人的考察,并提出了兩種解釋方案。其一,將被字句中的接應(yīng)代詞和漢語主題句中的接應(yīng)代詞視為同一類型,即變項(variable)空語類的顯性表現(xiàn),它與被動句主語的同標關(guān)系借助于空算子操作得以實現(xiàn);其二,將其看作是空語類pro的顯性表現(xiàn),在這種情況下,它與被動句主語的同標關(guān)系實際上依賴于被動句的認知語義特點以及一定的常規(guī)關(guān)系,因而具有一定的不確定性。但是無論哪種情況,接應(yīng)代詞的使用都遵守約束理論。 本書中所建的漢語被動化模型具有相當?shù)撵`活性。具體表現(xiàn)在對漢語形式被動句、領(lǐng)屬被動句以及兼語被動句的生成解釋上。比如,由于空動詞Va的設(shè)立,我們便可以免予陷入被動語素在兼語被動句中如何附綴的問題。同樣,由于Va的設(shè)立,我們便可以根據(jù)徐杰(2001)提出的焦點結(jié)構(gòu)以及焦點特征形式化理論解釋形式被動句的生成原理。Va的設(shè)立還可以使我們根據(jù)被動句的認知語義特點以及常規(guī)關(guān)系對漢語領(lǐng)屬被動句中的領(lǐng)屬語義關(guān)系進行解釋。
序Acknowledgements前言Chapter 1 Introductory Remarks 1.1 About the Principles & Parameters approach 1.2 The unsolved tension between descriptive adequacy and explanatory adequacy observed in the theorizati0h of Mandarin passive constructions 1.3 Theoretical objectives of the book 1.4 Outline of the bookChapter 2 Overview of Related Literature: Problems and Partial Conclusions Therein 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Chomsky's Standard Theory (ST) and the Chinese bei-constructions 2.1.1 English passivization in the light of ST 2.1.2 Chinese passivization in the light of ST 2.1.3 Problems and some preliminary conclusions 2.2 Chomsky's GB theory and Chinese bei-constructions regarded as passives 2.2.1 Maturation of the view on English passivization : by-phrase as a VP-adjunct 2.2.2 Establishing the passive status of the bei-less patient subject sentence 2.2.3 The categorial status of bei 2.2.4 The Case-absorption theory of the English and Chinese passivizations 2.2.5 Summary 2.3 The GB theory and the Chinese bei-constructions regarded as non-passives 2.4 The Minimalist Program and the Mandarin passive studies 2.4.1 A brief account of the Minimalist Program and the English passivization in minimalist terms 2.4.2 Characterizations of the Chinese passivization in minimalist terms 2.5 Recapitulation of this chapterChapter 3 Remodeling the Chinese Passivization along the Derivational Line 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Postulation of Va in the Chinese passivization 3.1.1 Objections to the view of argument augmentation in Chinese passives 3.1.2 Questioning the view of patient subjectivization and/or agent adjunctivization 3.1.3 The way out 3.2 Conceptualization of Chinese passives and postulation of TdefP 3.2.1 Croft's tripartite event ICMs and the "derived voice" 3.2.2 Cognitive semantics of Chinese passives 3.2.3 Summary……Chapter 4 Investigation of Some Remaining Issues Related to the Chinese Passives within the N ew ModelChpater 5 Concluding RemarksBibliography后記
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