
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:復旦大學出版社  作者:董麗 著  頁數(shù):181  




Chapter 1 Machinery FoundationLesson 1 SteelLesson 2 Heat Treatment of MetalsLesson 3 Introduction to BearingsLesson 4 Introduction to GearsLesson 5 Introduction to CamsLesson 6 Introduction to SpringsLesson 7 Dimensions and TolerancesLesson 8 Properties of MaterialsLesson 9 Hydraulic SystemLesson 10 Introduction to CADChapter 2 Electrical FoundationLesson 1 PowerLesson 2 Electronic ComponentsLesson 3 CircuitLesson 4 Direct Current and Alternating CurrentLesson 5 Measuring InstrumentsLesson 6 TransformerLesson 7 Instrument TransformerLesson 8 Electric MotorLesson 9 GeneratorLesson 10 ContactorLesson 11 RelayLesson 12 Low Voltage Circuit BreakerLesson 13 Master SwitchLesson 14 Programmable Logic ControllerLesson 15 Frequency ConverterLesson 16 Touch ScreenChapter 3 Electromechanical ProductsLesson 1 History of the AutomobileLesson 2 ICELesson 3 Principle of Four-stroke Gasoline EngineLesson 4 Brief Introduction to the Common ChassisLesson 5 Numerical ControlLesson 6 Industrial RobotsLesson 7 Computer Integrated ManufacturingLesson 8 Flexible Manufacturing SystemLesson 9 Information TechnologyLesson 10 Computer Aided Manufacturing參考譯文



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