
出版時間:2008-9  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:王詠梅  頁數(shù):175  




前言第一章 全球市場 第一節(jié) 全球經(jīng)濟  背景知識  商務英語對話  替換練習  生詞  短語  練習  對話參考譯文 第二節(jié) 國際競爭  背景知識  商務英語對話  替換練習  生詞  短語  練習  對話參考譯文第三節(jié) 出口貿(mào)易時機成熟了嗎?  背景知識  商務英語對話  替換練習  生詞  短語  練習  對話參考譯文第四節(jié) 制訂一項成功的出口貿(mào)易計劃  背景知識  出口計劃大綱圖表  商務英語對話  替換練習  生詞  短語  練習  對話參考譯文第二章 國際貿(mào)易藍圖 第一節(jié) 電子商務  背景知識  商務英語對話  替換練習  生詞  短語  練習  對話參考譯文 第二節(jié) 國際市場營銷  背景知識  商務英語對話  替換練習  生詞  短語  練習  對話參考譯文  ……第三章 談判及付款第四章 裝船及交貨附錄 APPENDIX


  Mr. Smith: We must take heed to our brand name and corporate image. Many com-panies have experienced difficulties after introducing their brand name, logo or promo-tional materials in other countries only to discover that its connotations were inappropri-ate in the local language or culture.  Mr. Wade: At present, our cross-national marketing research in China has revealedwide differences in demographic preferences and local tastes.  Ms. Conway. We must also be careful to avoid using American colloquial speech thatforeign customers may not understand. From time to time, pictures or graphs may conveya more profound message to our international buyers than words can speak.  Mr. Smith: It may be prudent to hire a professional translator with experience in bus-iness and commercial materials. More importantly, someone who is well versed and sensi-tive to cultural differences.  Ms. Conway: Brand image also involves the symbolic associations consumers amassregarding the brand. One source of symbolic brand associations is the color or colors ofproducts, packaging and related advertising materials.  Ms. Stevenson: A very good case and point, it is a problem facing many global mar-keting managers to understand the emotional and-psychological factors associated withcolor in various cultures. Therefore, the continual pairing of color with a brand may re-sult in the transfer of the emotional and psychological properties of the colors to thebrand.  Mr. Smith.. I see, it is indeed a complex issue. It will be essential to redesign ourbrand image, packaging, and brochures to accommodate our international consumers.Now, what about global pricing? Mr. Wade, this is your area of expertise. Please give ussome counsels on this subject matter.  Mr. Wade: My pleasure. We must bear in mind that proper pricing of our product,choice of terms of sale and payment are three important elements in selling a product orservice internationally. Of the three, strategic pricing is the most difficult, even for the.


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