出版時(shí)間:2009-2 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:梅德明,趙美娟,戴煒棟 著 頁數(shù):387
“新世紀(jì)高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材”為普通高等教育“十五”國家級(jí)規(guī)劃教材,選材廣泛新穎,編寫理念先進(jìn)科學(xué),體系完整宏人:各冊循序漸進(jìn),全面培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的英語綜合能力,并??!與地融合了對學(xué)牛的素質(zhì)教育,有助于其發(fā)展成為高素質(zhì)的復(fù)合型人才。 陔系列教材中,《綜合教程》為主干教材,共有八冊。原教材配有教師用書。為了給教師提供更大的教學(xué)便利,幫助教師更充分地挖掘教材,更好地發(fā)揮教材的效用,上海外語教育出版社組織編寫了本套《綜合教程補(bǔ)充教案》,作為所配教師用書的有效補(bǔ)充?! ”咎捉贪该繂卧究蚣苋缦拢骸 eaching Plan為每單元教學(xué)的總體教學(xué)時(shí)問安排建議,教師在實(shí)際操作過程中可以靈活變通。 TextI部分: Lesson Summary明確本單元教學(xué)任務(wù),列出該單元討論的主題、重點(diǎn)詞匯以及相關(guān)的語法點(diǎn)?! ackground Information旨在補(bǔ)充與本單元課文內(nèi)容相關(guān)的文化知識(shí)點(diǎn)、 Stylistic Features簡要介紹本單元課文的文體風(fēng)格、篇章結(jié)構(gòu)以及突…的修辭手段及其文體效果,為教師全面把握文章的精髓提供參考?! eaching Guide明確本單元第一課的教學(xué)目標(biāo)并提供相關(guān)的教學(xué)建議。
TextⅠ Fresh StartTextⅡ A University Stands and ShinesTextⅠ Tyranny ofthe UrgentTextⅡ TimeTextⅠ Chinese FoodTextⅡ SayNotoWesternFastFood.TextⅠ Why I Want a WifeTextⅡ Of MarriageandSingleLifeTextⅠ TheCompanyManTextⅡ The Unhappy American WayTextⅠ Knowledge and WisdomTextⅡ HOWtoBecome aManofGeniusTextⅠ TheChaserTextⅡ LoveIsAFallacyTextⅠ Fun,OhBoy.Fun.YouCouldDiefromItTextⅡ The Age ofThrillsTextⅠ On Becoming a Better StudentTextⅡ The Art of AcknowledgementTextⅠ TheWonderfulLousyPoemsTextⅡ DadTextⅠ The Real Truth about LiesTextⅡ T0 Lie Or NOt to Lie?一T11e Doctor’S DilemmaTextⅠ Out ofStepTextⅡ Skylines and SkyscrapersTextⅠ A Magic Circle ofFriendsTextⅡ Dealing with Peer PressureTextⅠ Father ForgetsTextⅡ LettertoHis SonTextⅠ The Roots of Happiness:An Empirical AnalysisTextⅡ Of HappinessTextⅡ WlarTest for UniIs 1-4Test for Units 5-8Test for Units 9-12Test for Units 13-16Test for Units 1-16Appendix:Key to the Tests
impartiality:being fair;free from personal prejudiceweight:the value,importance,or influence of someone or somethin£P(guān)araphrase:But one can gradually get away from personal prejudice byacquiring knowledge about the history and the future,and about otherparts of the world,and by showing due respect and interest to differentthings.You succeed(1et US say),as modern medicine has succeeded.in enor-mously lowering…(Para.2)This sentence employs parenthesis.In parenthesis,a word,phrase or even a whole sentence may be inserted into an otherwise completely inde.pendent statement,either for an afterthought,or for some elucidating purpose.At first sight,a parenthesis seems not only to cut Off abruptlVthe flow of thought in a sentence,but also to be somewhat irrelevant.for often the writer seems to be going off at a tangent.However,it will befound that fl parenthesis usually adds something significant.forceful Orelucidating to what is being said.…and incidentally place in the hands of powe lunatics the means 0fdestroying the human race.(Para.2)lunatics is paradox.Paradox is a figure of speech consisting ofa statement or proposition which on the face seems to be self-contradictory.absurd or contrary to established fact or practice,but which on furtherthinking and study may prove to be true,well-founded,and even to con.tain a succinct point.It 1S by no means uncommon to find men whose knowledge is wide butwhose feelings are narrow.(Para.3)A double negative is employed in this sentence to reinforce the statement.